
  • Date de début 05/09/2023
  • Date de fin 01/01/1970
  • Localisation Lausanne, Suisse


08:00    Accueil
08:30    Mots de bienvenue par Luisa Weiner et Ueli Kramer, Co-Présidents RF-TCD

08:45    « Impact of DBT Parent and Partner Interventions on Individual DBT Outcomes »
               Alan Fruzzetti, PhD, McLean Hospital et Harvard Medical School (en anglais)

09:45    « Evaluation de l’adhérence à la TCD en individuel »
               Dre Julie Jomphe et Hélène Poitras, TCD Québec

10:30    Pause café

11:00    « Borderline and Motherhood »
              Charlotte Rosenbach, PhD, Freie Universität Berlin (en anglais)

12:00    Pause midi

14:00-16:00 Trois ateliers cliniques en parallèle
              A : « Compétences de régulation des émotions en groupe TCD » Nader Perroud et Sébastien Weibel
              B : « Coaching téléphonique en TCD » Luisa Weiner et Hélène Poitras
              C : « Groupe multifamille pour adolescent-e-s »
                       Mario Speranza, Pierre Cardinal, Réal Labelle, Jean-Marc Guilé, Sébastien Garny de la Rivière

16:00    Pause café

16:30-17:30     Assemblée Générale du Réseau Francophone de Thérapie Comportementale-Dialectique (RF-TCD)

Où ?
Salle Georges Spengler, Bâtiment Pathologie au CHUV, Lausanne (arrêt m2 « CHUV »)

Pour qui ?
Cette journée est destinée aux intervenants en psychiatrie (psychiatres, psychologues, infirmier/ères ; éducateurs/trices) s’intéressant à la Thérapie Comportementale-Dialectique.

Tarif complet : EUR 180
Tarif réduit collaborateur/trice CHUV/UNIL et membre RF-TCD : EUR 90

lien d’inscription

téléchargement du programme


Alan E. Fruzzetti, PhD

McLean Hospital, Harvard Medical School, MA, USA

Impact of DBT Parent and Partner Interventions
on Individual DBT Outcomes

The clinical implications of the transactional model for emotion dysregulation will be presented, including how parent and partner behaviors can be relevant to DBT patient “chains.”  Parent and partner interventions include family-specific DBT skills, as well as DBT double-chains and DBT family therapy solutions.  Results from several studies will highlight the positive outcomes for individual DBT patients of adding DBT family interventions, including: 1) How family functioning mediates outcomes for individuals in DBT; 2) The impact of DBT couple interventions on couple relationships and on partner outcomes; and 3) ) The impact of teaching DBT parent skills on suicidal and self-harming adolescents and young adults.

Dr Charlotte Rosenbach

Freie Universität Berlin (Allemagne)

Borderline and motherhood: challenges and interventions

Raising children can be particularly difficult for mothers who have Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), and their children are at a heightened risk of developing mental health issues. To address these challenges, a specialized group training program has been developed to help mothers with BPD reduce parental stress and improve their parenting skills. This presentation will provide an overview of the unique challenges of parenting with BPD and the increased risk that children of parents with BPD face. Additionally, the talk will delve into the specifics of the group training program, offering valuable insights for those interested in improving outcomes for both mothers and their children.